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Profile Updated: May 22, 2021
Residing In:
Raleigh, NC USA
Maintaining rental properties and finding tenants for income; volunteering at church for social edification; reading Kirkegard, Buechner, et al, for inspiration.
Alex Samir Aniba, born 1962; Josef Duncan Zuttel, born 1980; Paul Alfred Hetzer Zuttel, born 1982; granddaughter More…Jazmin Sophia Zuttel, born April 2006; Lincoln James Zuttel, born 4/10/2020


Yes! Attending Reunion

I would never have believed how wonderful it would be to attend a reunion among the special people who were my high school friends...and they remain my friends, although distant in space and time, my friends just for my being me--not anyone's wife, mother, employee, donor, or member. I do so value my classmates of HEHS '59--there are no finer folks.

I have done so many different things since '59:

Life don't give me time to think
Of Yesterday, when on the brink
Of north and south I chose the one
Only to be on another to be blown.

School Story:

In smug overconfidence, without a sense of direction when inside a building, and defying common sense, I entered the ladies restroom to find myself in front of a row of urinals. Making a hasty U-turn and exiting, I faced Tom Hunter who in utter glee persisted endlessly in taunting me in my utter humiliation. He was so like a brother in so many ways...

Favorite places to go

Spain, Switzerland, Germany

Places you would like to go

Reality of Jesus

Jesus' story is evidence of a reality
That is waiting for us after this life.
Believing Jesus' story frees us
To focus on being Jesus
To others in this reality.

Learning how Jesus treated, taught,
Valued, admonished and loved others
In his earthly time
Can be our examples and source
To guide us as we pray to follow Christ.
Following his ministry is a path to others
And to self
As we model our lives after his.

Believing the deity of Jesus and his Jewish identity
Can send us also to the uniquely Jewish scriptures
To learn what he was taught
And to compare his reaction to those scriptures.

I accept that I cannot expect to live long enough
For scientists on earth
To communicate with beings on another planet. 
Those scientists will be able to ask the question:  
“Did the Creator of the universe make himself known to you?” or
“How did the Creator of the universe make himself known to you?” or
“Did the Creator of the universe also come in person to you?”
Or answer their question with
"The Creator of the universe walked among us
As an earthly human."

Because I won't be around when those questions can be asked or answered,
I want to go where the Creator did touch this planet in human form. 
I want to be in that reality,
Walk in that space,
Put my feet on the stones that his feet touched,
See the dessert where he was tempted,
The seaside where he cooked fish for his friends,
Be where he healed,
Where he raised,
Where he taught,
Where he prayed,
Where he was crucified,
Performing the self-sacrifice that lets us be
Forgiven and
Accepted and
Loved and
So that we may also
Love and
As we have learned from our Creator
Who touched this planet
In our own human form.

Carolyn Zuttel

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I completed my fourth unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Duke Raleigh Area hospital in North Raleigh, NC. The last unit was orthopedics, where I was really productive compared to pediatrics. Then I sought endorsement by our bishop, which took six months. While waiting, I bought a 4-BR house to renovate and share. Now, I'm too busy to look for a chaplaincy. Maybe someday again...

What is your favorite memory of HEHS

Our majorettes, our school spirit, my best friends.

What is your least favorite memory of HEHS

The lousy job the hairstylist did for my senior photo. (I must be too vain.)

What are your favorite drinks?

fresh-ground black coffee in the morning, champagne with friends, iced sun tea or cold beer after I've been in the sun, hot lemon/ginger tea in the winter, good wine with good food, margaritas before Mexican food, Xel-ha (pineapple juice with creme de menthe), Stewart's root beer in a frosty mug with their hot dogs...my list could go on. Life is good!

What was the last CD you bought?

I'm a public radiophile; hardly ever listen to CDs, but I do buy from groups I've seen, the last being Chuchito Valdez, third-generation Cuban jazz pianist.

What famous or interesting people have you met?

Mickey Rooney and Bob Hope (at age 5 introduced by my father), Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson (while working in the State Department in DC), Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, two NC governors: James Hunt who awarded me and my husband an Industrial Waste Management award in the early '90s for recycling at our business, and the newest, Bev Perdue--we were both members of Christ Church (Episcopal) in New Bern. At our business in New Bern, our guests included an astronaut, and a US cabinet secretary, US senators, and John Weyerhaeuser, of the lumber company, was a regular.

What cool things have you done?

In WV, took aereal photos strapped to the floor of a two-seater with the door removed. My brother-in-law, Sandy Rogers, was the pilot. In Switzerland, I skied on a glacier after three cable rides upward. With my son, hiked a Swiss pass from French to Italian sections of the country. Caught a lobster with my own bare hands while snorkling off of Culebra, Puerto Rico. Saw a pair of whales leaping between the British Virgin Islands. Skied with my sons from their age 3. Took belly-dancing lessons from my 8-year-old sister-in-law in Tunisia. Saw my eldest son wrestle, play football and LaCrosse at St. Stephen's in Alexandria. Filmed on the sidelines the youngest as football defensive captain at Parrot Academy. Worked the football chains for the school where I taught. Took a photo of the first Anglican female priest to celebrate the Eucharist legally--she was from Hong Kong, and the photo went on the AP wire around the world and was on the cover of "The Virginia Churchman." Published a book of my family's letters: Mabel's Letters.

CAROLYN ANN's Latest Interactions

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May 18, 2024 at 4:33 AM
May 15, 2024 at 9:04 AM

Hi Carolyn, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that you are enjoying good health and prosperity. I am working on my next writing project that I hope to finish by summer. Otherwise, I am spending weekends at my cottage. It is my nature retreat place. I see that you have a birthday coming up soon and I want to wish you a wonderful birthday celebration with your family. My very best wishes are with you always. Fondly, David

Aug 11, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Newest grandson: Baylor Paul, now a year old, born last year in May

Aug 03, 2023 at 11:41 AM

Happy Birthday! It must take a big cake when all the family gathers to celebrate! Than you, Fred, for your service to our country. Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

Jun 27, 2023 at 2:24 PM
Jun 27, 2023 at 2:22 PM

Trust you are enjoying retirement and your birthday today!
Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

CAROLYN ANN HETZER ZUTTEL posted a message. New comment added.
Jun 26, 2023 at 8:40 AM

Posted on: Jun 25, 2023 at 9:42 AM

In memory of Tom Hunter who searched for you during his last year, wishing you health and happiness.
Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

CAROLYN ANN HETZER ZUTTEL has a birthday today. New comment added.
May 18, 2023 at 9:22 PM

Posted on: May 18, 2023 at 4:33 AM

Apr 16, 2023 at 12:24 PM
Mar 16, 2023 at 1:52 PM

Happy Birthday! and thanks for your service to our country.
PS You don't llook a day older!

Mar 06, 2023 at 1:37 PM

Hey, Girlfriend, hope this finds you enjoying life at the Villages where life is all about a happy retirement. Trust your family and you are all well.
Tom Hunter's widow was there at his end time. Let me know if you encounter her. Every blessing! CHZ

Feb 28, 2023 at 10:22 AM

Great to see your smiling face! (I won't count, if you won't.)
:-) CHZ

Feb 02, 2023 at 10:52 AM

Harvey, Thank you for your service to our country. Would love to read a snapshot of your service in the USAF.
Aren't grandkids the best! Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

Jan 30, 2023 at 1:32 PM

Happy Birthday, classmate!
Let's make a pact that we in our class will take good care of ourselves. :-)

Jan 14, 2023 at 10:51 AM

What a life well lived!

A blessing to so many!

Expect that he is finding many rewards in the hereafter.

He leaves us an exemplary role model!

Via con Dios! dear classmate, Homer.

Dec 29, 2022 at 1:37 PM

Hi, Linda! What a wonderful life so far! Blessings uncountable, so happy for you.
Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

CAROLYN ANN HETZER ZUTTEL posted a message. New comment added.
Dec 09, 2022 at 7:19 PM

Posted on: Dec 09, 2022 at 5:25 PM

Blessings to you, Roger, for health and joy.

Dec 03, 2022 at 4:16 PM

What a full family to be there to help you celebrate! Happy Birthday, classmate.
Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel

CAROLYN ANN HETZER ZUTTEL posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 30, 2022 at 2:49 PM

Posted on: Oct 29, 2022 at 12:20 PM

Hey, Barbara! So glad to have this chance to wish you a happy and healthy birthday. I'm in Raleigh, NC, on the way to the beach, so plan to stop by at your convenience and impulse (HA!) Just look how long we have known each other, even though we haven't stayed in touch. Time for another reunion? Meantime, be well and stay happy! Carolyn

Oct 26, 2022 at 1:42 PM

Happy Birthday, Barbara. So glad to know you are one of our professional graduates who carries the torch onward in Huntington.
Be well, Carolyn Hetzer Zuttel, Raleigh, NC