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Profile Updated: August 29, 2021
Residing In:
Lake Milton, OH USA
Psychologist/Professor and Chair Emeritus
Jane A. Barnett, born 1966; Rebecca L Holthaus, born 1967; David A. Cliness (Drew), born 1969; Benjamin More…B. Cliness (Ben), born 1974
Grand Children: Adam Holthaus, born 2002; Sam Holthaus, born 2004; and Brianna Barnett, born 2006
Yes! Attending Reunion
Favorite places to go

Amsterdam, London, Scotland, Stonehenge, Mesa Verde, Col., Chiricahua Natl. Mon., AZ, Gettysburg, Niagra Falls and Niagra on The Lake, Yellowstone, Yosemite National Park, Estes Park in Rocky Mountain National Park, Col., Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Places you would like to go

I would like to make another trip out west to visit some of my favorite places such as Mesa Verde, Col. Chiricahua Natl. Mon. and I hope to make another trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina where we spent many years on vacation there.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I am not sure about this. I will have to give more thought to it. I guess I might say that I have had some "spiritual experiences" during my life that would be surprising to most people, especially since I am not a religious kind of guy or I might say that I am not into organized religion of any sort. Now I just published a revision of my "Journey of Life" book that describes some of my "inner experiences".

What is your favorite memory of HEHS

Playing sports, acting in school plays, pep rallies, and especially friendships with classmates

What is your least favorite memory of HEHS

Falling on a fumble rather than picking it up and running for a touch down and winning the game - I felt horrible over letting my school, teammates and coaches down. While I have come to accept it, I still remember it and it is something you wish you could do over again.

What are your favorite drinks?

Cabernet Wine with dinner

What was the last CD you bought?

Beethoven, Symphony No. 1 and 6

What famous or interesting people have you met?

The Dalai Lama - Univ. of Michigan - I believe he is the most highly developed human being I have ever met, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Bernie S. Siegel, (corresponded with them as we had working with cancer patients in common).

What cool things have you done?

Traveled to Russia (St. Petersburg and Moscow), Amsterdam (Red Light District), England (London and Oxford Univ., Shakespeare's home, Stonehenge, etc.., Scotland. For ten years straight, I went tent camping in the Southwest and Colorado. Visited many Native American cliff dwellings, Wrote a book of poetry, built a retreat cottage in the woods near Leesville Lake in Carroll County, Ohio

October, 2008 I was inducted into the Bemidji State University (Minn.) Football Hall of Fame. I played football at Bemidji during my freshman year and was moved to the varsity to play defense at mid season. Much to my surprise, that 1959 team turned out to be the best team in the school history. Since I received a varsity letter, I was inducted in the Hall of Fame. At first, I was not inclined to make the trip but with encouragement from family and friends, I decided to go. And, I am so pleased that I did. After about 50 years, I saw some incredible changes to the University, met some wonderful people, and reconnected with some of my classmates. And I was able to get a feel for the young man that I was then, who left his home in Huntington and traveled over 1500 miles to test whether he had what it took to make it on his own. It was a great experience, difficult at times, but lots of growth and just what I needed at the time.

Most recently I published a book with the title of "Inner Consciousness and Spontaneous Imagery: an Exploration of the Unconscious". It is a summation of over 20 years of research work., Moreover I just published the revision of my Poetry book, "The Journey of Life" . Now I am working on a book about my research work with cancer patients. It will deal with the spiritual aspect of experiencing cancer and other life threatening illness and of healing one's life.

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DAVID WYLIE CLINESS posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 21, 2024 at 10:40 AM

Posted on: Jul 20, 2024 at 5:20 PM

Hi Ernie, I read your post for Mike Burcham's birthday. I am sorry to learn that you are having heart problems and won't be able to make it to our 65th reunion. We will miss you. Just take good care of yourself and I hope your heart problems become resolved soon. My gentle thoughts and very best wishes are with you. Fondly, David

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS posted a message. New comment added.
Jul 19, 2024 at 6:46 PM

Posted on: Jul 18, 2024 at 8:59 AM

Hi Fred, I hope all is well in your world of Topeka, KS. Hope also that you have weathered all the heat and storms that have come your way. Just want to wish you a wonderful birthday celebration. Take good care of yourself. Fondly, David

Jul 17, 2024 at 2:04 PM

Hi Mike, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that you are well and thriving. I see you have a birthday coming up soon. So, just want to wish you a great birthday celebration. My very best wishes go with you. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. Also looking forward to revisiting some memories that Huntington is holding for me. Fondly, David

Jun 25, 2024 at 9:28 AM

Hi Dorinda, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I see you have a birthday coming up soon. Congratulations on another birthday. My very best wishes are with you. Take good care of yourself, fondly, David

Jun 04, 2024 at 9:27 AM

Hi Don, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I am sorry I missed your birthday yesterday. I bet you had a great celebration. In any case, Happy belated birthday and wishing you the very best. Fondly, David

May 15, 2024 at 9:04 AM

Hi Carolyn, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that you are enjoying good health and prosperity. I am working on my next writing project that I hope to finish by summer. Otherwise, I am spending weekends at my cottage. It is my nature retreat place. I see that you have a birthday coming up soon and I want to wish you a wonderful birthday celebration with your family. My very best wishes are with you always. Fondly, David

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS posted a message. New comment added.
May 03, 2024 at 4:06 PM

Posted on: May 03, 2024 at 9:13 AM

Hi Ernie, hope all well in your neck of the woods. I am fine. Been spending weekends at my cottage and enjoying the good weather we are having here in Lake Milton. Also working on another writing project. So I am keeping busy and otherwise staying healthy. I hope it the same for you. Anyway, I want to wish you a great birthday today with family and friends. Take good care of yourself. Fondly, David

Apr 01, 2024 at 11:46 PM

Posted on: Mar 25, 2024 at 10:18 AM

Hi Sandra, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that you are healthy and thriving. I see that you live in Nashville. I was just there this past weekend attending my great niece's wedding. It was a big wedding and I observed that there were more beautiful people per square foot than anywhere else that I know of. Nashville is a beautiful place except for the traffic. Anyway, I hope your are enjoying your retirement and I want to wish you a great birthday celebration this year. Fondly, David

Mar 03, 2024 at 1:34 PM

Hi Linda, wishing you a wonderful birthday celebration this year. I hope you are healthy and thriving. You seem to be kept young with all the interesting things you have been doing in your life. I see that we have lost another classmate. Sheila represents part of the legacy of our class, each life being a thread in the broader fabric. I am working on my next writing project which is about the archetypes of the Supra Consciousness. It will include a section on the "Shadow" archetype and a commentary on "Evil". Over the years, I have been asked about evil but have only briefly remarked about it. So perhaps I will be able to give a more comprehensive discussion of it. We shall see how it turns out. I wrote a paper on the Suffering of Job which I think it will incorporate in the section. Well this is it for now. Take good care of yourself and stay well and safe. LU David

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Mar 03, 2024 at 1:23 PM

I was sorry to learn of Sheila's death. She has left a great legacy of children and grand children, who I am sure will miss her terribly. My tender, loving thoughts are with her during her next journey in life and with her family and friends who must continue without her. 

Jan 18, 2024 at 8:53 AM

Hi Peggy, I hope your weather has not been too bad during this deep freeze. Walking our dog in sub zero temps has not been much fun. Wishing you a great birthday celebration with your family and friends. Stay safe and warm. Fondly

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS has left an In Memory comment for RONALD LEE RAINES.
Jan 10, 2024 at 12:20 PM

I am so sorry to learn of Ron's death. He was a dear, loving and caring man and a valued classmate. We will miss him. God speed dear friend. 

Dec 29, 2023 at 10:58 AM

Hi Linda, you and my sister share the same birthday. Her birthday was often overlooked because of being in the midst of the holidays. Hope you did not experience the same fate. In any case, I want to wish you a great birthday celebration with friends and family. Also, wishing you a great new year. Take good care of yourself. Fondly, David

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS posted a message. New comment added.
Dec 29, 2023 at 6:58 PM

Posted on: Dec 29, 2023 at 10:53 AM

Hi Jo Ann, Wishing you a big birthday celebration on the 1st. You are one of the few people who can celebrate a birthday and bring in the New Year at the same time. Take good care of yourself and stay healthy and thriving. Fondly, David

Oct 26, 2023 at 4:10 PM

Hi Barbara, Hope all is well with you these days. My sister, misses Ft Myers but her life has changed quite a bit since her stroke and moving back to Nashville. So my basic contact with Ft. Myers is no longer there. Also, Sherry sold her condo so our Florida connection is no longer there. I hope you are continuing to be active and thriving in your life. We had a nice mini reunion in Huntington and discussed plans for our next reunion. I doubt if it is going to be a big affair this next time around. Anyway, just want to Wish you a great birthday this year. Take good care of yourself, Fondly, David

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS has a birthday today. New comment added.
Oct 07, 2023 at 11:37 AM

Posted on: Oct 07, 2023 at 4:33 AM

DAVID WYLIE CLINESS posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Posted on: Sep 28, 2023 at 4:05 PM

Hi Frankie, Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. It seems that you guys in the Phoenix area have had quite a heat wave. I hope you are surviving it. I used to travel out west quite a bit and had a friend in Phoenix where I made it my home base. It was a retreat place where I did a lot of writing. Also , I used to climb Squaw Peek, lovely view. Sadly, both her and her husband have since died. Anyway, a little reminiscing over good times. Otherwise, I want to wish you a wonderful birthday with your family and friends Fondly

Aug 28, 2023 at 10:37 AM

Hi Macky, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Naples is a beautiful place to live and I am sure you are enjoying living there. I hope you have survived all the storms. There is another one coming but should hit well north of you. We had a great time at our mini reunion on the Ohio River. It was at the marina where I use to dock my boat which brought back some fond memories. Sally is one of our ageless classmates. She brought her farmer husband, Fred . We shared some memories of when we were athletes at East. Mike is another one of our ageless classmates. I enjoyed trading stories with him. Sherry enjoyed getting to know everyone. She is the extravert and loves meeting new people. Otherwise it was a nice get away for us. Wishing you the very best on your birthday. Do something nice for yourself. Fondly

Aug 28, 2023 at 10:25 AM

Hi Sally, it was great to see you at the mini reunion. I want to thank you for all that you have done to keep our class together and working to provide some wonderful experiences at our reunions. I will look forward to the coming reunion no matter what you guys decide to do. I especially enjoyed seeing Farmer Fred. As I said, he was one of my football heroes when I was a junior. He was a great player and example for the rest of the team. He was nice to me and was encouraging when I got hurt and could not play the rest of the season. You guys looked great and you are one of our ageless classmates. Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful birthday. Fondly David

Aug 21, 2023 at 10:50 AM

Hello Steve, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. We had a great time at the mini reunion this past week. The setting on the Ohio River brought back some fond memories. I had a boat at the marina where we held our mini reunion. Just want to wish you a great birthday celebration. take good care of yourself. David